Learning Lab

Working Ourselves Out of a Job: How Legal Aid Lawyers Can Support Guaranteed Income Programs

CA has seen an explosion of Guaranteed Basic Income pilots. These pilots provide recipients cash to be used for any reason for a specific amount of time. Guaranteed Basic Income is not means tested and does not require recipients to comply with program rules in order to receive the money. In CA, these pilots are funded by private interests/ nonprofit organizations and/or government. This presentation will provide an explanation of what guaranteed basic income is, how it can help fight systemic racism, and discuss how civil legal aid attorneys can help with the creation, design, and operation of these projects in a way that can protect GBI recipients and their existing government benefits.

  • Upon completion, participant will be able to explain what guaranteed basic income is and how it can be beneficial to recipients.
  • Upon completion, participant will be able to understand how civil legal aid attorneys can support a GBI project, specifically around protecting a recipient's other government benefits.
  • Upon completion, participant will be able to assess the potential risks and benefits to participating in a guaranteed basic income project.
  • Upon completion, participant will be able to understand how guaranteed basic income can be used as a tool to combat systemic racism and poverty.

Jessica Mark, JD

Supervising Attorney

Bay Area Legal Aid

Jessica Mark is a Supervising Attorney at Bay Area Legal Aid. She works in the San Francisco Bay Area, assisting people primarily with their government benefits. She also participates in policy advocacy at the County, State, and Federal levels to improve access to government benefits for all Californians. In addition to her legal work, Jessica is working with others to make BayLegal more inclusive and ensure the organization is working towards social and racial justice. Finally, Jessica is also an adjunct professor at University of California, Berkeley School of Law. She earned her law degree at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, CA. She has a B.A. from California State University, Long Beach

Raegan Joern, JD

Managing Attorney

Bay Area Legal Aid

Raegan Joern is Managing Attorney of Bay Area Legal Aid's San Francisco County Office, where she supervises and supports a team of attorneys, advocates and social workers. As an attorney, she has handled a wide array of cases, including public benefits, consumer, housing, family law, and immigration cases. She provides technical assistance and counseling to guaranteed basic income programs and recipients in San Francisco.


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