Learning Lab

The Power of the Client's Voice

We will discuss the importance of the client's voice and why Clients should be at the table when decisions are made about them.

  • To empower the voice of the client.
  • To see the client as a part of the puzzle and not an extra piece.
  • To make sure clients are at the table from the beginning to the end.
  • The importance of uplifting clients and the work their doing in the community/legal aid space

Eddie Ellis jr, n/a



Freedom Fighter

Regina Kelly

Client Services Coordinator

Lone Star Legal Aid

Regina advocates for the client voice to be not only heard but respected at each table of discussion in improving the legal system. Regina’s goal is to equipp clients with the knowledge and training needed to succeed in their communities and to be a life-line for organizations that strive to change our legal system. Her life was turned upside down when she was arrested at work before her double shift started. What she thought to be traffic tickets, turned out to be something far worse. She found herself wrongfully accused of ‘delivery of a controlled substance in a drug free school zone.’ She was locked away facing 15-25 years for a crime she did not commit. Regina not only stood strong and decided not to take the plea deal offered but also challenge the justice system in Texas. Who knew that stance would be the turning point for a desperate change in Texas laws. Regina’s story is featured in the award winning movie, American Violet, also in countless magazines across the nation, including Oprah’s “O” magazine, Rolling Stone, and Essence. Regina's fight and victory helped change Texas laws. Regina became a public speaker and trainer. She speaks at numerous universities across America, where her story and movie is used as part of their college curriculum. She trains Public Defenders and use her story as a postive learning tool to teach them how to better relate to their clients as a human and not just a caseload. It is very important Defenders understand plea deals not only affect the client, but the client’s household; including their children. Regina works as the Client Services Coordinator for Lone Star Legal Aid in Texas, President of Texas State Client Policy Council, President of Hearne Headstart Policy Council, and a strong advocate in her community.

Ronald Simpson-Bey, n/a




Soummer Crawford

Marquita WiseJones

Board Secretary

Maryland legal Aid

Marquita Wise Jones Im a client /Advocate by compasion Im the secretary on MLA board and im on committee s ,nominatinating finance,statigic planning, Maryland Legal Aid volunteer Board member Im a license Cosmetology Manger in Washington dc and Maryland Im a Hair stylist by profession. my hometown is Washington DC but I've reside in the state of Maryland My my future goals are to develop and become a professional public speaker in a platform where I'm helpful to people in the communities I was able to facilitate important information throughout the community . I love to paint I love to dance I like to sew and I love chatting with people organizing information facilitating the setups in the rooms Sharinformation on social media


2 Questions