LSC Compliance Oversight - Common Compliance Concerns, Oversight Tools, and Recent Trends
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This session will focus on the most common concerns noted by Office of Compliance and Enforcement staff during recent oversight visits and desk reviews and most commonly identified/referred by the Office of Inspector General. There will also be a discussion of OCE oversight tools and the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on Private Attorney Involvement and Fund Balance waivers. Grantees will be asked to share their experiences with OCE oversight tools through polls and/or interactive discussions.
- Upon completion, participants will better understand the compliance concerns most frequently noted by LSC's Office of Compliance and Enforcement during recent oversight reviews.
- Upon completion, participants will have learned more about LSC's fund balance and Private Attorney Involvement waiver request processes, and the LSC prior approval process.
- Upon completion, participants should be able to differentiate between OCE's various oversight tools.

Lora Rath, JD
Director, Office of Compliance and Enforcement
Legal Services Corporation

M. Megan Lacchini
Deputy Director for General Compliance, Office of Compliance and Enforcement
Legal Services Corporation