Hot topics from the FTC, including briefings on some of the top cases
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Presentation includes: Hot topics from the FTC, including briefings on some of the top cases case affecting lower income consumers and sharing information about the FTC's multi-lingual consumer and business resources, self-help tools like our refreshed consumer.gov website, Identitytheft.gov, the agency's Consumer Advocate Center program for legal services providers, and consumer alerts on scam topics like renters' issues.
- Know about some of the top national consumer protection (FTC) cases affecting lower income consumers
- Know about, be able to access, utilize and share information about the FTC's multi-lingual consumer and business resources to help clients spot, avoid, report and recover from scams.
- Know about, be able to access, utilize and share free FTC self-help tools like our refreshed consumer.gov website, Identitytheft.gov, the agency's Consumer Advocate Center program for legal services providers.
- Keep in touch and learn about the latest scams by signing up for consumer alerts on scam topics like renters' issues.

Margaret Burgess, JD
Federal Trade Commission