Systemic advocacy is a crucial tool in the legal aid toolbox that can leverage the experience of our direct services attorneys, expand the impact of our advocacy, and effect meaningful social change across our client community. However, systemic work in legal aid is often challenging and requires a departure from standard structures, including service delivery models, organizational structure, and funding limitations. This panel will leverage the experience of advocates around the country to address the thorny challenges that arise in systemic advocacy. The experienced panelists will share challenges and strategies and will facilitate break out discussions on various systemic advocacy topics including strategic use of communications, co-counseling with pro bono partners, and incorporating systemic advocacy into the legal aid model. There will also be an opportunity for attendees to sign up for a systemic advocacy listserv to continue sharing knowledge after the conference.
- Upon completion, participant will have identified key issues facing practitioners who engage in systemic advocacy and come away with concrete tools, strategies, and best practices to address those issues going forward.
- Participants will connect with practitioners doing similar work to improve systemic advocacy at their organizations by sharing best practices and resources, and troubleshooting practice-related issues that surface.
- Upon completion, participant will be able to engage more effectively in impact advocacy.
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Erica Embree Ettinger, J.D.
Senior Attonrey
Community Legal Aid SoCal
Erica Embree Ettinger is a Senior Attorney in the Systemic Impact Unit at Community Legal Aid SoCal. She uses an array of advocacy tools to help protect the rights of CLA SoCal’s client communities, safeguard access to justice, and enhance governmental accountability by challenging abuses of power. Since joining CLA SoCal in 2019, Ms. Ettinger has litigated complex cases involving state and federal public benefits, disability non-discrimination claims, civil rights and constitutional claims, fair housing claims, and matters relating to land use, zoning, and Housing Element law. She recently led litigation that resulted in an amicable settlement agreement with Orange County that expanded access to public benefits for vulnerable immigrants who are victims of crime, human trafficking, and domestic violence. She also played a key role in successfully advocating for the Central District of California agreeing to lift a lengthy stay of all social security litigation during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Additionally, Ms. Ettinger has worked on multiple appellate matters, including K.L. v. R.H. (2021), 70 Cal.App.5th 965, a published case that strengthened protections for domestic violence survivors. Prior to her work at CLA SoCal, Ms. Ettinger was an Associate at Shearman & Sterling LLP. She is barred in California and New York, and received a J.D, cum laude, and an LL.M., with honors, in international human rights from Northwestern University.
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Brenda Adams, J.D.
Director of Litigation
Bay Area Legal Aid
As Director of Litigation, Brenda Star Adams (she/her) oversees the strategic vision and priorities of BayLegal’s impact litigation. Brenda partners with staff to bring affirmative litigation challenging systemic inequities and legal barriers identified through BayLegal’s direct legal services to improve the lives of low-income California residents. Brenda also provides litigation training and support to attorneys across the firm. Brenda began her career at the Eviction Defense Center, where she spent four years defending low-income tenants from eviction in jury trials and organized affirmative lawsuits. She then spent seven years as a staff attorney with BayLegal, representing survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse in family law and immigration matters. She spent the next four years at Equal Rights Advocates, where she led ERA's education equity work and sexual violence impact litigation, oversaw the direct services programs, and managed the queer justice project. Prior to re-joining BayLegal in 2024 as Litigation Director, Brenda led impact litigation at the National Center for Youth Law to dismantle systems of oppression for youth. Brenda is the 2021 recipient of the Fay Stender Award from the California Women Lawyers, an award given to "a feminist attorney" who "is committed to the representation of women, disadvantaged groups and unpopular causes, and whose courage, zest for life and demonstrated ability to effect change as a single individual makes her a role model for women attorneys." In her spare time, Brenda is also a lecturer at UC Berkeley Law School and coaches a high school mock trial team. Brenda loves spending time with her moms, husband, daughter, and 3-legged dog. Born and raised in San Francisco, Brenda brings a fierce passion for social justice and over 18 years’ experience litigating cases on behalf of youth, low-income families, the LGBTQI+ community, and survivors of abuse.
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