Learning Lab


Conference June 12-14, 2024

The Graduate Minneapolis

Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Holistic Defense and Leadership Conference brings together several of our Defender communities to provide plenaries and workshops dedicated to improving knowledge and building skills around holistic, client-centered advocacy. This year's conference offers four track options, described below. Choose a track that suits you best, knowing that you can stick to a track or float between sessions depending on your needs and interests.   

Full Conference Schedule & Room Locations


To Claim CLE Credit & View Individual Sessions

June 12th Sessions

June 13th Sessions

June 14th Sessions

CLE Reporting Information

NLADA (National Legal Aid & Defender Association) will diligently report attendance to the highlighted states. Course IDs will be added on a rolling basis as approvals are received.  

Georgia - No Course ID

Illinois - No Course ID

Indiana - Course ID: 347327

Iowa - Activity #: 410084

Louisiana - Course #: :758240612

Minnesota- Event Code: 507580

Ohio - Pending

Pennsylvania - Course ID: 416388

Tennessee - TCCLES ID: 333946

Utah - Pending

Wisconsin - Pending

Event Space
